Recently, we have been reflecting on the fact that Max has changed so much since we moved to Leuven last January. When we arrived, he was still a baby, not even a year old. Now, as we’re nearing his second birthday in two months, he is a full-fledged little boy who plays make-believe, runs around the house like a wild man, and plays jokes on his parents. He can also be very sweet and tender. He loves to give hugs and kisses, empathizes with friends when they get hurt, and always says “Thank! Yooooou!”. He’s growing up to be such a beautiful little person, inside and out.

At this point, Max has lived as much of his life in Belgium as he has in the US; he’s become quite accustomed to life as a Leuvenite. We wanted to share with you a glimpse into Max’s world.


Max LOVES to eat. Especially pancakes. He asks excitedly every morning if it’s a ‘pancake morning’. He’s been known to eat 5 or 6 in one sitting. Other favorite foods include: eggs, carrots, hummus, pasta, cake, any fruit, and cheese.


Max devours smoutebollen at the Leuven fall carnival
Max devours smoutebollen at the Leuven fall carnival

The only thing that Max might love more than eating his food is cooking it. He insists on being the sous chef every day, pulling a chair up to the kitchen counter so that he can climb up to see what’s going on. His favorite phrase right now is, “I can cook!”

Helping Mama make a cake
Helping Mama make a cake
Latte art crafted especially for Max (don't worry, we didn't let him drink it)
Latte art crafted especially for Max (don’t worry, we didn’t let him drink it)
Want a mushroom?
Want a mushroom?

Max has also become an artisan beer and coffee connoisseur in the last year. He often orders his own ‘babycinno’ (steamed milk) at our favorite coffee shop, and he will loudly exclaim “Beer!” as we walk by the cafes in the Groot Markt.

Max rocks the milk mustache
Max rocks the milk mustache
Latte art crafted especially for Max (don't worry, we didn't let him drink it)
Latte art crafted especially for Max (don’t worry, we didn’t let him drink it)
(We didn't let him drink these either!)
(We didn’t let him drink these either!)


Cars are always on Max’s mind. He talks about them all day long. Big cars, blue cars, trucks, taxis, buses: he loves them all. He often zooms around the house with his toy cars yelling “vroom vroom” at the top of his lungs.


Doing a bit of coloring to get his day started
Doing a bit of coloring to get his day started
Enjoying stickers on a recent flight
Enjoying stickers on a recent flight

Our energetic little boy also loves his outdoors time. He is a regular at the slide, and happily exclaims “more!” each time he makes it down. He’s also content to run around in an open field until he’s exhausted.


Max contemplates his next move
Max contemplates his next move

Around Town

Max keeps us busy each week with a full calendar of activities. He looks forward to going to Theo’s house to play with him and their nanny, and the two boys have become great friends (with only a few minor power struggles over a toy here and there). On Friday mornings, he can’t wait to get out the door to see his pals at music class, where he joins the group in singing, dancing, and general noise-making.

Max and his music class buddies
Max and his music class buddies

On weekends, we take time as a family to visit the market together, to go for a swim in the local pool, or to check out whatever festival happens to be set up in the town square that week.

Max and Dad ready to swim
Max and Dad ready to swim
Experiencing the merry-go-round for the first time
Experiencing the merry-go-round for the first time
Max insisted on riding every "car" ride at the fall carnival
Max insisted on riding every “car” ride at the fall carnival
Headed home from one of our many weekend adventures
Headed home from one of our many weekend adventures
Humoring Dad for a photo on one of their bike rides
Humoring Dad for a photo on one of their bike rides

Around the House

Max is always up for an adventure, but he is most himself when he is at home (where he doesn’t have to wear pants). Whether he’s snuggling with us, curling up with a good book, or taking careful inventory of his toys, home is definitely where Max’s heart is.

Max snuggles only last a few moments before he starts jumping on us
Max snuggles only last a few moments before he starts jumping on us


Bath time antics
Bath time antics
Picking flowers in our garden
Picking flowers in our garden

We are relishing the memories we’re making in Belgium and love watching Max grow up and discover the world. We are so grateful to have been given the gift of such a beautiful son.

This is how we'll always remember Max at this age
This is how we’ll always remember Max at this age

More to come soon…